Monday 8 August 2011

Opium / Nasha is good for Life

I have for a very long time been struggling with the question of who we are and what is the purpose of our lives? Both scientific and religious explanations seem to be unflattering and the end of their wits.

I discovered a little secret the other day. There is no explanation and maybe in our generation's lifetime we will never have an explanation or even worse our human species in its eternity of its existence will never find the true reason of its existence and just continue its quest of self discovery.

I say the only way to live with dignity, a lot of self confidence and a true purpose of life, is to get addicted. Find your OPIUM / NASHA.

The opium I am talking about is more addictive and intoxicating than any actual substance based drug, tablet or powder. The true opium of our lives is the passion or that one idea that we are obsessed with and feel for it so strongly that it helps us to define our lives.

For you your Opium could be to be a good lover / father / mother / child / grandparent or someone who carers for the world's lesser fortunate. You could find your Nasha in your profession - being the best doctor, teacher or scientist. Or you could just have the desire to be the richest man alive or be politically very powerful or be the fastest runner alive, the most loved actor or a rock star or maybe an intellectual.

Your opium need not be a grand idea or goal or of world domination or extraordinary excellence, it can be of simple things in life, to be a good providing husband, to lead a dignified respectable living or even to master your fly fishing skills or increase your coin collection or whatever.

Just remember keep your passions positive, they should not hurt, kill or be unjust to anybody, including animals or nature.

Many people call this Nasha / Opium the True Calling. If you find it difficult to find your True Calling, then speak to me. I am not God or his Oracle but may be we could talk and help you find out your True Calling. Find out what really gets you ticking.

Stay addicted, there is nothing like the high of life.